Comprehensive treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a common disease of degenerative dystrophy, in which the structure and function of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs are damaged, leading to the invasion of the intervertebral nerve roots and causing symptoms. Osteochondrosis is a chronic pathology, which is caused by many reasons-from the evolution of human bone structure and anatomical characteristics to the influence of external factors, such as working conditions, lifestyle, overweight, injury, etc. Generally, osteochondrosis of the cervical and lumbar spine is diagnosed as the most vulnerable to stress. The treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is complex and long-term, the main purpose is to relieve symptoms and prevent complications.



Depending on the location and severity of the malnutrition process, as well as the serious impact on the structure of the cervical spine root, frustration of the upper spine can manifest as a large number of symptoms. Often, the patient's complaints are reduced to symptoms that are not related to each other at first glance, which complicates the diagnosis and further treatment of the disease.

Generally, the clinical symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis are as follows:

  • Vertebrae, characterized by various types of pain in the occiput and neck.
  • In the spine, symptoms of motor and sensory nerve damage are observed. In addition, nutritional disorders in the neck area cause the shoulder girdle and arm muscles to gradually shrink.
  • The root, expressed in the pain symptoms of the peritoneum and chest organs, requires additional careful diagnosis to distinguish osteochondrosis from internal organ diseases.
  • Vertebral artery syndrome in cervical chondropathy-vestibular disease manifests as headache, hearing impairment, dizziness, and loss of consciousness.

These phenomena occur when cerebral ischemia is caused by vertebral artery invasion and weakened blood supply.

How to treat cervical osteochondrosis?

Cervical osteochondrosis gradually develops, and patients usually seek treatment at the stage of clinical manifestations that will affect the quality of life during the exacerbation of the disease. How to treat cervical osteochondrosis can only be determined by a doctor after a proper diagnosis. In this case, self-medication is unacceptable.

The treatment goals of cervical osteochondrosis are to eliminate pain, inflammation, reduce or completely restore the affected tissue structure and prevent complications.

Treatment should be performed mainly in outpatient clinics, and any procedures performed at home can only be used in conjunction with medical prescriptions after instrumentation and laboratory diagnosis.

In advanced cases, in the severe stages of neurological disease and accompanying disease development, hospitalization for cervical osteochondrosis and possible surgical intervention may be required.

Drugs for cervical osteochondrosis

It includes medications prescribed to relieve symptoms of pain and inflammation. In the acute phase, the drug is shown in injectable form. After a certain degree of pain relief, the patient takes the local acting agent in the form of pills or ointments and continues to receive injections.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are considered to be the first choice for treating osteochondrosis of the neck to relieve pain and inflammation. These are drugs based on diclofenac and indomethacin and come in different dosage forms. They reduce the swelling of soft tissues, thereby reducing pain, and topical drugs have a warming effect, thereby improving blood flow in the affected cervical area. These drugs are used for 5-10 days, sometimes as long as 2 weeks. In the acute phase, NSAIDs are prescribed in the form of injections, and after a few days the patient switches to tablet form. It is worth remembering that long-term use of NSAID treatment will have a negative impact on the gastrointestinal mucosa, so the course of treatment usually does not exceed 10 days.

medical treatement

It is recommended to use sedatives such as Persen, saccharification, valerian, peony, herbal tea, etc. , to prolong the pain time and reduce the patient's risk of neurosis, thereby helping to treat cervical osteochondrosis. Local irritants. These are topical ointments, gels, and friction agents that have a warming, stimulating and distracting effect. They are not used for acute treatment. They contain biologically active substances of animal and plant origin, such as bee or snake venom. This group includes viprosal, apiapitron, menovazin, nayatoks. In the case of allergies and high irritation to the ingredients of the drug, it is best not to use them, so as not to cause greater edema. Vitamins. During treatment and further recovery, it is recommended to use a multivitamin complex. Usually, this is a group of B vitamins, whose representatives are involved in ensuring normal nerve conduction, and vitamins A and C to strengthen blood vessel walls and improve blood flow. Taking vitamins can reduce vestibular disease-motion sickness syndrome, dizziness, and hearing loss.

Cartilage protector. These are substances that help restore the cartilage tissue of the cervical intervertebral disc. These include glycosaminoglycans and chondroitin sulfate. The treatment of cervical osteochondrosis with chondroprotective agents takes a long time, ranging from 6-12 months.

Orthopedic treatment

Discomfort symptoms of the cervical spine are usually caused by improper body posture during sleep, staying in a compulsive posture for a long time or trauma, and aggravated. Therefore, complex treatment methods also include the following methods:


Neck collar or Shants collar. After medical consultation, the prescription was issued separately for each patient because it has many forms. The collar is a densely framed roller that can be fixed on the neck and fix the vertebrae in the desired position. Therefore, the neck does not bend, and the head does not turn to the side to ensure that the affected area is fixed, which is very important in the acute phase. Shants' neck collar can also be made of two rollers with inflatable layers, and air is injected into them with rubber balls. The expansion of the intermediate layer between the rollers stretches the spine, which makes it possible to increase the joint space of the cervical spine. The degree of elongation is determined by the doctor. It is not recommended to solve this problem by yourself, so as not to damage the neurovascular bundle in the neck. During the recovery period, a fully inflatable collar was used, which maintained some mobility of the neck and head.

The collar can be worn at home, no more than 3 hours a day, and the general wearing time is about one month. The final wearing rule is determined by the doctor, depending on the severity and symptoms of the condition.

Correct posture. During sleep, it is necessary to keep the body in an anatomically correct position. When the nerves and blood vessels of the cervical spine are not compressed, it can be done with orthopedic mattresses and pillows. During the waking period, the patient needs to control his body posture and correctly choose a table and chair with an appropriate height. Stretching exercises. Treatment procedures include stretching the ligaments of the spine, increasing the distance between the vertebrae by 1-3 mm. Traction helps reduce or completely eliminate root compression caused by a herniated disc or vertebrae growth. This procedure eliminates disc dislocation and reduces muscle contractures. Traction should be performed in a doctor's fixed environment, and after the operation, the cervical spine should be fixed for several hours with a collar or similar device. The treatment course of the extract is an average of 10-20 treatment courses.


Massage of spine osteochondrosis is an important and essential part of medical treatment. Prescribe during the remission period to speed recovery and prevent recurrence. Massage has both classical techniques and variants of oriental medical methods.

A well-done massage stimulates the blood circulation in the neck and collar area, improves the nutrition of damaged tissues, relieves muscle and vasospasm, and reduces the burden on patients. The general process of massage therapy is once a day or every other day, with 10-14 steps every 3-6 months. In the case of severe pain, massage treatment of osteochondrosis is not performed. At home, you can self-massage the diseased cervical area.

Physiotherapy practice

Except for periods of worsening pain, always perform exercise therapy. Cervical rickets can be exercised at home, but it is recommended to exercise under the guidance of a coach until it is implemented correctly. This set of exercises includes:

Turn your head to the side. Tilt your head back and forth. Lift your shoulders with fixed or relaxed hands and hold in this position for 15-20 seconds. Static load, when the flexors and extensors in the neck area are tightened in sequence, the head will not move.

The total number of repetitions is 5-7 times, and the session lasts 15-20 minutes. As part of the treatment complex, exercise therapy helps speed recovery and increase relief.

Physiotherapy and Reflexology

In the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, electrophoresis using NSAIDs, anesthetics, hormone drugs, dynamic flow, laser and shock wave therapy are also effective. Physical therapy in the early stages of development can lead to a complete cure, and in difficult situations, can increase the remission time. These treatments are used during the recovery period after the illness gets worse.

Reflexology is a method that affects certain parts of the skin projected from certain parts of the body. It can also be used during rehabilitation. It helps relieve inflammation, improve blood flow, relieve tissue congestion and reduce muscle spasms. Among the treatment methods, the most commonly used are acupuncture, acupressure and manual therapy-putting medicated water ches on the skin of the cervical area.

Using these methods can shorten the time and amount of medications and promote recovery.

Physical therapy and reflexology

Things to do at home

If the patient's condition permits, the manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis can be treated at home. For example, if there are no contraindications and constant supervision by an expert is not required, therapeutic exercises can be performed at home. It should be remembered that the appearance of neck pain and crunching is the reason to stop and seek qualified treatment.

In strict accordance with medical prescriptions, topical drugs can also be used at home in the form of ointments, gels, and medicinal patches.

In addition, some physical therapy equipment can be used for treatment at home-magnetic therapy and ultraviolet radiation and reflexology equipment.

Folk remedies are also used in the form of crushing and wrapping. It comes from grated potatoes, horseradish leaves, propolis, aloe vera and other herbal ingredients located on the sore part of the cervix. The traditional treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is palliative treatment, which temporarily relieves pain, swelling, and warms the affected area. You should not be limited to this.

All treatments for cervical osteochondrosis should be complementary to each other and should be carried out in consultation with the doctor after a comprehensive diagnosis.

The medical treatment of cervical osteochondrosis involves the use of conservative methods to provide adequate pain relief without the threat of severely interfering with the patient’s daily activities.

The symptoms of this disease

Of course, constant bending, lifting, turning and twisting over many years of service life will negatively affect the health of the neck and the quality of its structural components. With all this repetitive neck pressure, it is no surprise that about two-thirds of people experience neck pain at some point in their lives. Pain can be a shocking symptom of diseases such as osteochondrosis.

Attention! Cervical osteochondrosis is considered to be one of the most common pathologies. This disease most often affects people of working age, leading to a sedentary lifestyle.

Disease symptoms

The disease is initially asymptomatic. However, when symptoms such as persistent headaches and pain in the heart and under the shoulder bones appear, the disease requires immediate and effective treatment.

The degradation process may lead to the following behaviors:

  • Acute pain;
  • Double vision;
  • dizziness;
  • Numbness in the shoulder area;
  • Shoulder, arm weakness.

This discomfort and mobility can have a major impact on career, family and quality of life.

The cervical spine consists of seven bones called vertebrae, which are separated from each other by intervertebral discs filled with cushioning jelly-like substances. This design provides the ability to stabilize the neck, turn smoothly from side to side, and tilt back and forth.

Over time, these natural shock absorbers will wear out and begin to degrade. The space between the vertebrae narrows and the nerve endings are compressed. This process is called cervical osteochondrosis. It is particularly noteworthy that studies have shown that about 25% of asymptomatic people under 40 and 60% of people over 40 have some degree of osteochondrosis. As osteochondrosis progresses, the neck becomes less flexible, the pain in it increases, and there is a feeling of stiffness, especially at the end of the day. For these reasons, osteochondrosis develops.

Attention! Its complications can be life-threatening.

Diagnosis and treatment functions

Disease diagnosis includes the following routine operations:

  • Initial inspection;
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging);
  • X-ray examination.
Diagnostic procedure

Drug therapy is the basis for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at the same time as massage. The effective treatment methods are as follows:

  • Reflexology;
  • Electrical stimulation;
  • Manual therapy.

Physical therapy can also help reduce pain for a long time. The most common methods include:

  • Acupuncture;
  • Electrophoresis;
  • Microcurrent electrical stimulation;
  • Laser therapy.

Usually, this treatment process for cervical osteochondrosis takes about 14 days.

While using ice or heat, with the help of special drugs, it is possible to achieve pain relief and control pain and inflammation. In addition, exercises in the neck and shoulder strap areas performed alone or with the help of professionals will also help. Exercise helps maintain flexibility. Exercise, especially stretching the neck as much as possible, is essential to maintain the flexibility of the neck area. The doctor or physical therapist should each develop a specific set of exercises.

Medications that can relieve pain include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics.

Attention! You should not use these drugs for more than 7 days without consulting a doctor, because kidney failure may be a serious adverse side effect they can cause.

Steroid drugs and muscle relaxants can also be used.


Treatment method during the worsening period

In the acute phase of the disease, when severe pain is dominant, the main goal of medication is to relieve pain. In this case, you must take analgesics (such as tramadol, oxazodol, ortofin), or more complex drugs (arcoxia). They can relieve muscle pain and tension.

Non-steroidal drugs are often used as analgesics. They can also eliminate the cause of pain-inflammatory edema, which shrinks blood vessels and nerve endings.

The use of muscle relaxants can relieve muscle spasms and restore the condition of the cervical spine, nerve endings and blood vessels to normal. The use of vitamins is very important.

For severe compression of nerve endings, doctors recommend the use of anticonvulsants. If the pain cannot be relieved by other means, it can be blocked with Novicaine.

If cervical spinal chondrosis is in the acute stage and is accompanied by severe pain, the expert will also prescribe topical lidocaine and corticosteroids to reduce muscle tension and pain in the motor segment of the spine.

In the treatment of acute pain, the drug is administered by injection, and then it is possible to treat it in the form of pills, and further use ointments to relieve health.

In some cases, antidepressants are prescribed as supplements. These drugs help to withstand very severe pain psychologically and diseases related to cervical spondylosis.

Relief treatment recommendations

Tips for the treatment period of the mild stage:

  • Activate the blood circulation of large blood vessels and surrounding blood vessels;
  • Improve metabolism;
  • The restoration and renewal of bone tissue and cartilage structure.

For this, the most suitable is:

  • Anti-inflammatory gels and ointments containing steroids and analgesics;
  • Ointment, which acts on spot heating of the diseased part, can increase the blood flow to the diseased part and improve tissue nutrition.

Cartilage protectors (oxidized cartilage ointments and tablets) help restore cartilage intervertebral discs.

Massage creams and ointments with bee venom, plant extracts have regenerating, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. If the treatment is correct, a therapeutic massage can be performed at home to relieve discomfort. In order not to harm your body, you need to follow some simple rules:

  • Don't press too hard on your neck and back.
  • All actions should be from top to bottom.

The local anesthetic ointment includes capsaicin. Creams are also effective in treating pain associated with osteochondrosis. It is necessary to apply the cream to the areas most prone to pain.

Attention! After applying cream (especially capsaicin), be sure to wash your hands, because the cream can irritate the skin of your hands or touch other parts of your body.

Due to vasospasm and nerve tissue inflammation, it causes unpleasant symptoms such as osteochondrosis and dizziness. In response to this help, vasodilators and means to improve blood circulation in the vestibular device.

Vitamin B is also included in the comprehensive treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, because it has the following characteristics:

  • Restore tissue sensitivity;
  • Reduce nerve damage.

You need to pay special attention to the fact that although there are many types of high-quality drugs that can help treat osteochondrosis, taking many of these drugs often brings significant side effects. The condition of the back has improved, but various organs have difficulties. From this it is concluded that the drug is only to supplement other methods of fighting this disease.

Due to the comprehensive treatment method, only when all treatment measures are carried out on a consistent, regular and systematic basis, it is possible to achieve positive treatment process motivation.

Usually, patients do not pay attention to neck pain, which can cause complications.

Surgical treatment

If the pain persists after six months, effective medications have been taken during this period, and daily activities have become more difficult, your doctor may recommend surgery. The surgery will aim to stop the movement of the affected cervical spine. This will require removal of the intervertebral disc and the insertion of metal devices or bone grafts to help maintain or restore normal disc height and neck stability and alignment. Special plates can be used to provide the required fixation between the two vertebrae.

operation treatment

Attention! Patients should note that surgery that causes severe neck pain is far less reliable than surgery to relieve pain from osteochondrosis in another part of the body. Therefore, if the only or main symptom is neck pain, surgery should only be recommended as a last resort, and after all other tried treatment options have failed.


The prevention method of neutralization and recurrence is formed by a combination of physical therapy exercises and therapeutic massage. Proper prevention is an important step towards success.

It is also important to note the fact that you need to adhere to a regular daily diet to minimize (if not completely eliminated) the intake of salty and spicy foods to minimize swelling and improve metabolism. Yoga and swimming will also help. Among the unconventional methods, acupuncture and hand-foot therapy are often used.